Aluminium Windows
We have a large range of aluminium windows that exceed today’s standard for quality, durability and sustainability. Every model can be customised to your requirements, scope and ambitions. Our windows are suitable for both private and commercial use – browse through our collection to find a model that’s right for you. Our windows can be customised to your requirements, scope and ambitions. We’re pleased to offer our customers solutions for blinds and ventilation and our windows are suitable for private and commercial use. Browse through our product portfolio below to find what you are looking for. If you can’t see it, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Fixed Light Windows

Fixed Light Windows
Our fixed light windows are perfect for areas where you need to let light into your building, but don’t want to open the window. Great for use in staircases and corridors, they are well-suited to shopping malls, offices, restaurants and housing.
We can customise your fixed light windows in a number of ways to meet your requirements.
Glass or aluminium panel infill
High thermal insulation options
Noise reduction solutions
Wide range of profile and glass colour options
Technical specification
Our fixed light windows are available in two systems:
1 | High-quality thermally insulated window system with a diverse range of solutions with a depth of just 70mm. |
2 | High-quality non-insulated window system with 50mm depth for interiors, which allows for a secure and economical solution with plenty of design options. |
Both systems are available in a variety of sizes and in a wide range of glass colour options.
For more technical information please download specification sheets (Schüco AWS50 NI and Schüco AWS70 HI):
Fire Rated Windows

Fire Rated Windows (FR30, 60 and 90)
Our fire rated windows (FR30,60 and 90) are installed with protection elements to help ensure the safe separation of rooms in the event of a fire. The protection elements help prevent flames from spreading one room to another. These fire safety windows can be placed in staircases, corridors, office buildings or anywhere prescribed for special fire protection.
We can customise your fire rated windows in a number of ways to meet your requirements.
Clear, coloured or designed glass options
Glass or aluminium panel infill
Double glass combinations
Curtain wall integrations
Formation design: side hung, top hung, fixed light and tilt/turn
Technical specification
Our fixed light windows are available in two systems:
Maximum permissible height of the fire-resistant glazing | 4000mm |
Maximum permissible width of the fire-resistent glazing | Unlimited |
Permissible pane dimensions | 1400 x 2500mm |
For more technical information please download specification sheets (AWS – ADS 80 FR30/ FR60):
Bullet-proof Windows

Bullet-proof Windows (BR1-7)
Our bullet-proof windows (BR1-7) are an important part of a holistic physical security solution. Utilising these windows in areas like a building’s outer walls and other access points can help become an integral part of the building’s security strategy. They can be installed in government and office buildings, police station, schools, hotels, villas or anywhere that could benefit from a physical security solution.
We can customise your bullet-proof windows in a number of ways to meet your requirements.
Special bullet resistance glazing up to BR7
Double glass combination
Curtain wall integration
Formation design: side hung, top hung, fixed light and tilt/turn
Technical specification
The system components all conform to the relevant security regulations.
Additional security components for bullet-resistant units are:
Bullet-resistant reinforcing profiles
bullet-resistant glazing
Bullet-resistant infills
Security fittings (optional)
The European standard DIN EN 1522 describes the requirements of test procedures for bullet-resistant units and, in addition to the weapon and calibre, also specifies how to carry out a bullet test.
This standard applies to all bullet-resistant windows classifies them in security classes FB1 to FB6. It also states that the glazing used in construction must be tested in accordance with DIN EN 1063.
For more technical information please download specification sheet (Schüco AWS -ADS 90BR):
Projected Top Hung Windows

Projected ‘Top Hung’ Windows
Projected aluminium windows, also known as ‘top hung’ windows, differentiate from fixed or sliding windows by the fact that they have sashes that swing out from the window’s outer frame. Our projected windows are versatile and can be utilised throughout whole building. They’re perfect for a wide range of residential and commercial uses including hotels and restaurants.
We can customise your projected windows in a number of ways to meet your requirements.
Surface finishing customisation colour options, including anodised or powder coating
Glass or aluminium panel in-filling
Glass breakage detector
Wide selection of accessories
Technical specification
Thermal insulation system |
Non-insulated system |
For more technical information please download specification sheets (Schüco AWS50 NI and Schüco AWS70 HI):
Side Hung Windows

Side Hung Windows
Our side and top hung windows are a popular choice for good reason: they provide great ventilation as well as protection against unexpected passing showers. When closed, the windows offer excellent resistance against air and moisture. Made for use throughout the whole building, they’re available in multiple design options, multiple sizes and are compatible with our security systems.
We can customise your side and top hung windows in a number of ways to meet your requirements.
Profile made from natural anodised aluminium or powder-coated to resist tropical weather conditions
Glass or aluminium in filling
Glass breakage detector
Multiple size options
Inward or outward opening solution
Selection of colorized accessories
Technical specification
Schüco window AWS 70.HI |
Schüco window AWS 50.NI |
For more technical information please download specification sheets (Schüco AWS50 NI and Schüco AWS70 HI):
Sliding Windows

Sliding Windows
Our sliding windows can be used in openings that are as wide as they are tall. Great for creating a room with a view, these windows open sideways, with one pane sliding over the other. Versatile with flexible installation, they can be utilised throughout the whole building and are a good solution for all residential and commercial needs.
We can customise your sliding windows in a number of ways to meet your requirements.
Profile made of natural anodised aluminium or powder
Glass or aluminium filling
Glass breakage detector
Technical specification
Proportionally less frame than glass
Flat outer frame profile from 50mm
Installation height up to 20m
Various vent options available: square-cut without glazing bead or mitre-cut with glazing bead
Basic depth of vent profile from 27.5mm to 31.5mm
For more technical information please download specification sheets (ASS 28 NI / ASS 50 NI / ASS 70 HI):
Tilt & Turn Windows

Tilt & Turn windows
Tilt and turn windows do just that. They can be opened fully, like a projected or casement window, or they can be tilted from the bottom, so the top of the window is angled into the room. This enables a smaller opening for ventilation and air movement, adding to the window’s user-friendly versatility.
We can customise your tilt and turn windows in a number of ways to meet your requirements.
Glass or aluminium filling
Glass breakage detector
Inward opening solutions
Selection of colour accessories
Technical specification
Schüco window AWS 70.HI |
Schüco window AWS 50.NI |
For more technical information please download specification sheets (Schüco AWS50 NI and Schüco AWS70 HI):